Autonomous non-commercial organization



      The main goal of creating the Autonomous non-commercial organization "International Research Center for the Development of the Digital Economy" is the introduction into production of already created scientific and patent products, namely: the theoretical foundations of a fundamentally new data economy, modeling of dynamic processes and programs in the economy, the concept of situational-strategic planning systems in the economy, which were developed and published in monographs by the scientist - economist Yu.V. Merkulova, as well as applied products: databases that have received state registration, patent licenses for inventions, the author and inventor of which is Yu.V.Merkulova too. 
        In addition, the center is ready to conclude contracts to conduct new scientific research on orders from the Government of the Russian Federation, government structures of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and industrial enterprises. Therefore, the main direction of the Center is scientific research and implementation of scientific products into production. However, the Center will not be limited only to applied developments, but also plans to receive grants for further fundamental scientific research. 
         An autonomous non-commercial organization was created as an international research center, which indicates that the organization is aimed at maximizing the expansion of the horizons of its activities. Firstly, the organization will conduct events aimed at strengthening interregional and international relations with scientists, educators, non-profit organizations on the organization’s topics, and exchange experience with Russian and foreign organizations and specialists. Secondly, the organization has the right to engage in publishing activities and implement educational programs and projects, promote advanced training and professional training of specialists, participate in the organization and conduct of scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, lectures, as well as take part in exhibitions, competitions, and organize fairs , presentations of scientific products on the digital economy in Russia and abroad. One of the activities of the organization is conducting sociological surveys, carrying out analytical and information activities on the topics of the organization.
    The organization is aimed at interacting with state authorities and local governments, public associations, scientific, educational institutions, and the media to consolidate efforts to realize the statutory goal of the organization. The organization is ready to participate in charitable events to develop youth creativity, conduct educational events, and round tables.        
         The center was created on the initiative of the developer of fundamental theories and applied products on the digital economy, Yuliya Vladislavovna Merkulova, who is its sole founder. The Center operates on the basis of the Charter. The highest collegial governing body of the organization is the Council, which is appointed by the founder for a period of 5 years. The Council determines the priority areas of the organization’s activities, the principles of formation and use of its property, approves the annual report and financial plan, controls the resolution of other financial issues, including those related to audits, and decides on the creation of branches and representative offices of the organization. Therefore, the organization has a dual control system, on the one hand, by the director, and on the other hand, by the Council, this ensures financial transparency and additional guarantees for compliance with obligations with partners, for the implementation of concluded contracts.
      Autonomous non-commercial organization "International Research Center for the Development of the Digital Economy" will be glad to see all interested parties among its partners and clients.  The center will pursue a policy of democratizing relations with both Russian and foreign customers, taking into account as much as possible all the features of each order and will always be open to the exchange of experience and for the broadest international cooperation.
О руководстве Центра
Director and scientific supervisor ANO "INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER FOR THE


   The head of the organization is the director, who implements long-term development programs and current management of its activities.The director is appointed by the founder for a period of 5 years, he is accountable to the Council of the organization. The director has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the organization in all government bodies, organizations and institutions in Russia and abroad.
   The director carries out executive and administrative functions on the basis of the organization's Charter, determines the structure and personnel of the organization, the wage fund and other funds of the organization, manages property and financial resources, accounts of the organization, conducts negotiations, concludes contracts and other legal acts.The director has the right to submit claims and statements of claim against legal entities and individuals on behalf of the organization.
The director of the organization is Merkulova Yuliya Vladislavovna, she is also the scientific director of the organization, since all her scientific developments formed the basis of the organization’s activities.
        Yuliya Vladislavovna Merkulova is a broad-spectrum scientist-economist with specialties 08.00.00 - economic theory and 08.00.05 - economics and management of the national economy, including industrial economics, Ph.D., professor of RAE (Russian Academy of Natural Sciences), honorary Doctor of the International Academy of Natural Sciences, a member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences and the Oxford Academy (Great Britain), a full member of the International League of Intellectuals, she is included in the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists of Russia". She has more than 100 different scientific works, Merkulova Yu.V. is the author of the scientific monograph «Situational-strategic planning in economics» in two volumes, volume 1 «Methodology for optimizing indicators of supply and demand» and volume 2 «Modeling optimal strategies and programs», these monographs with additions and changes have been republished in three editions and have received wide recognition in Russia and abroad, numerous awards from exhibitions in Russia and abroad, namely: diplomas and gold medals from exhibitions in Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, China, USA, France.
           Merkulova Yu.V. - the author of the idea and developer of the theory of transformation of big data in economics, since she is an inventor in this field, namely the sole inventor and patent holder of Russian patent N 2752911 «System for implementing a way of matrix-digital transformation of a variable plurality of data for generating a situational-strategic program of the offer of products» and Eurasian patent № 042385 «System for matrix-digital transformation of a variable plurality of data» , and she is also the author of the scientific monograph «Technical Inventions in Economics» and many other scientific works and monographs.
She is the author of the textbooks: «Methodological recommendations for the implementation of a situational strategic planning system in the economy» in three parts: part 1 «Methodological manual for the formation of a multi-level, integrated, end-to-end planning system: «region - industry – enterprise», part 2 «Methodological manual on dynamic planning offering of products of the company», part 3 «Methodological manual on modeling economic processes», which are introduced into the educational process, as evidenced by the Center for Certification of Products, Services in the field of technical, economic and social systems and procedures for assessing compliance with levels of knowledge and competencies, it is confirmed by state registration in the Unified Register of the Voluntary Certification System of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). These textbooks are considered innovative because they were written by Merkulova based on her scientific monograph.
Merkulova Yu.V. is the author and copyright holder of three databases that have received state registration of FIPS, about which there are records of state registration in the Register of Databases dated March 12, 2014, certificate No. 2014620425; dated October 16, 2014, certificate No. 2014621457; dated May 30, 2016, certificate No. 20166207
         Merkulova Yu.V. created a new scientific school, as it opened and registered four new scientific directions, which are included in the «Register of New Scientific Directions», namely the following:
      1) «Market system of capital accumulation based on structural and institutional mechanisms of demonopolization and economic balance» (certificate N 0094 dated August 20, 2018);
   2) «Situational-strategic system of planning and modeling in the economy in the unity of time and spatial coordinates» (certificate N 0020 dated March 28, 2018);
    3) «Creation of a digital system of interconnected database blocks in the economy» (certificate N 0021 dated March 28, 2018);
   4) «Digital system for modeling planning processes and managing multiple variable data in the economy» (certificate N 0019 dated March 28, 2018).
        Merkulova Yu.V. has public honorary titles: «Founder of a Scientific Direction», «Honored Worker of Science and Education», «Honored Worker of Science and Technology», «Excellence in Public Education», as well as numerous public and international awards. 
      The most significant awards of Yu.V. Merkulova are the international orders: «First among equals», «Alexander the Great» for scientific victories and achievements and «Catherine the Great» for service to science and education, as well as gold medals named after scientists from around the world: Mikhail Lomonosov , Adam Smith, Wilhelm Leibniz, Maximilian Weber, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, silver and gold medals named after V.I. Vernadsky, small gold medal named after Alfred Nobel for invention. More details about the scientific activities of Yu.V. Merkulova can be found in the Encyclopedia «Famous Scientists» on the RAE website by following the link: https://www.famous-scientists.ru/14448/.


  Russian  invention patent № 2752911 of 11.08.2021, priority of invention  20.12.2019,  patent holder and author- inventor Yu.V. Merkulova
     Eurasian  invention patent № 042385 of 08.02.2023,          patent holder and author- inventor Yu.V. Merkulova
        Certificate № 2014620425 of 12.03.2014     
on state registration in the Register of Databases Database for storage and subsequent machine processing of systematized information for the implementation of a multi-level, integrated, end-to-end planning system: "Region - industry - enterprise".
Author, copyright holder Yu.V. Merkulova
        Certificate № 2014621457 of 16.10.2014     
on state registration in the Register of Databases Database for storage and subsequent machine processing of systematized information for dynamic planning of product offerings by the company". Author, copyright holder Yu.V. Merkulova
        Certificate № 2016620708 of 30.05.2016     
on state registration in the Register of Databases Database for storage and subsequent machine processing of systematized information for modeling of data management processes of the economic system." Author, copyright holder Yu.V. Merkulova
Сеrtificate of the founder of scientific directions
Certificate № 0094 of 20.08.2018 about inclusion of the direction: "Market system of capital accumulation based on structural and institutional mechanisms of demonopolization and balancing of the economy" in Register of new scientific directions.
Certificate № 0020 of 28.03.2018 about inclusion of the direction:   "Situational-strategic system of planning and modeling in economics in the unity of temporal and spatial coordinates" in Register of new scientific directions.
Certificate № 0021 of 28.03.2018 about inclusion of the direction:   "Creation of a digital system of interconnected database blocks in economics" in Register of new scientific directions.
Certificate № 0019 of 28.03.2018 about inclusion of the direction: "Digital system for modeling planning processes and managing multiple data variables in the economy" in Register of new scientific directions.
Website Creator: Merkulova Yuliya Vladislavovna
e-mail: merkul.yuliya@gmail.com; merkul-yuliya@yandex.ru
Phones: 8(495)758-03-45; 8(905)574-53-78